
(in prep) Thiongane O, Martin L, Thys S, Areveska E, Gouvernance and ethics in digital health surveillance for emerging zoonotic diseases, BMC Ethics

(in press), Thiongane O, Bamba I, Sawadogo H, Mathiot B, David P M, Graham J, Let say it wears an Ebola coat, but it’s not Ebola. The rhetoric and politics of reshaping a vaccine in a transnational landscape, Anthropologica

(in press), Thiongane O, Kouyaté S, Diallo O K, Diop M, Curtis M Y, Barry A, Diallo A, Konde M K , Graham J, Ebola, la géopolitique du sang et les traces des laboratoires mobiles en Guinée, Anthropologica

(in press), Thiongane O, Goodbye Sékou. Perdre un esprit engagé dans les politiques de développement et la recherche en santé globale., Anthropologica

2023: Dub T, Mäkelä H, Van Kleef E, Leblond A, Mércier A, Hénaux V, Bouyer F, Binot A, Thiongane O, Lancelot R,  Delconte V, Zamuner L, Van Bortel W, Elena A, Epidemic intelligence activities among national public and animal health agencies: a European cross-sectional study,

2023: Hobeika A, Stauffer M H T, Dub T, Bortel W V, Beniston M, Bukachi S, Burci G-L L, Crump L, Markotter W, Sepe L-P, Placella E, Roche B, Thiongane O, Wang Z, Guérin F, Van Kleef E, The Value and Risk of an Intergovernmental Panel for One Health to Strengthen Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, Lancet Global Health,

2021-5, Thiongane O & Dagobi A E H, Epidémies de méningite et pénurie de vaccins au sud. Refonder les partenariats public-privé, Santé publique, 33 (2),

2021-4 David P- M, Mathiot B, Thiongane O, Graham J, Under consent participation of people with HIV in an Ebola Vaccine trial in Canada, BMC Medical Ethics,

2021-3: Oumy Thiongane & Janice Graham, Who’s positively healthy enough for an Ebola clinical Trial in West Africa? In David Murray (sous la Dir.) Beyond the endgame: Living with HIV in post crisis times, Lexington Books, pages 105-121

2021-2, Thiongane O, Global Health Initiative as a “drunken boat” the meningitis vaccine project case study. Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 8(1) , 1-12,

2021-1, Thiongane O, En Afrique, la notion d’hésitation vaccinale est un modèle voyageur, the,

2020, Lauren J. Wallace, Elysée Nouvet, Robert Bortolussi, Joshua A. Arthur, Eugenia Amporfu, Eric Arthur, Kofi Bobi Barimah, Bernard Aristide Bitouga, Harriet Chemusto, Joseph Ikechebelu, Ngozi Joe-Ikechebelu, Mandy Kader Kondé, Jean Damascene Kabakambira, Gabriel Kyomba Kalombe, Diana M. S. Karanja,
Eveline Thobias Konje, Sekou Kouyate, Gojjam Limeneh, Felicien Munday Mulopo, Mary Ndu, Eric Ochomo, Oriokot Francis, Oumy Thiongane, Jeremiah Seni, Mohammed Sheriff, Douglas Singini, « COVID-19 in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts on Vulnerable Populations and Sustaining Home-Grown Solutions ». Canadian Journal of Public Health,

2018-1: Hélène Broutin, Oumy Thiongane, Lydiane Agier, Ian Van Engelgem, Jean-Paul Jemmy Ghomsi, Ali Ouattara, Mahamadou Doutchi, Halima Boubacar Mainassara, Anta Tall Dia, Janice E Graham, Fighting meningitis in Africa: a call for multi sectorial action, Journal of tropical medicine and health,

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Thiongane O, Coronavirus l’arbre qui cache la forêt, Jeune Afrique, n°3082 (du 02 au 08 février)

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